Social media has barged into the field of marketing like a white knight in  shining armor, taking away all the limelight and leaving behind the conventional forms of advertisement.

With high and instant reach, social media platforms have provided an extensively effectual platform for the businesses to promote themselves and grow.

Whilst all social media platforms are cost and time effective, it is the Instagram that can be a great way to promote your fitness business. It can provide you the right type of followers and assist you in growing your business. The tools that Instagram have are highly effective for the promotion of your gym.

Here are a few tips on how you can use Instagram to construct your online presence for a training center that can help boost your business.


1. Use the Right Tools

Instagram has a wide variety of tools that you can use for your benefit. However, prior to that, it is important that you determine a style for yourself that denotes your brand. Once you set the style and establish a tone for your fitness center, it will help you determine the future course of your advertisement on Instagram.

This includes what type of information you want to post and how you want to reflect your company’s image. Photo filters, editing tools, and typography styles can assist you in making a better Instagram presence.


2. Provide a Transformation Track

Your aim should be motivating people. Since fitness is a rather personal affair; people are sensitive towards what they are doing to their body. Instagram can help you provide them a daily track of transformation showcasing results that can inspire them and giveaway a constructive image of your fitness center.

Posting pictures with appropriate captions, talking about success fitness stories from your fitness center can intrigue your followers and direct them towards your website.

3. Hashtags

Hashtags are direction boards that are going to guide people to your profile or company. Posting a few hashtags with each post can help you get located easily. However, you need to be careful about them.

Posting too many of them are only going to give a rather desperate image of your company that is trying too hard to get the attention. Use hashtags in moderation and be creative in choosing them.


4. Connect to Other Social Media Accounts

It is important that you form a link in the online arena. You need to give your followers a complete trail of where they can find you.

To build a strong online presence you need to focus on all the available platforms that are suitable for your fitness business.Your Instagram account needs to have sufficient connection with your Facebook and Twitter account so that audience is instantly able to relate.


5. Make Use of Live Videos

The best tool for Instagram is stories. It allows you to engage the audience in a creative manner. You can post live videos of your gym and give the audience an inner glimpse of your fitness business. While pictures can be effectual, videos are more appealing to see and build the curiosity in the audience.

To know more about using Instagram for your fitness center marketing, contact us on Fitness Pro Income Booster. We possess expertise in helping fitness businesses boost their revenue and maximize their businesses.